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Prof. Dr. László Gulácsi

László Gulácsi works as a Vice Rector for Research, and a professor at Health Economics Research Centre, University Research and Innovation Center, Óbuda University of Budapest, Hungary. He is a head of the Innovation management Doctoral School Óbuda University. He is a member of the Standing Committee of Pharmacy, Hungarian Academy of Science.

By profession he is a physician (Debrecen Medical University), having university degrees of programming mathematics (Kossuth Lajos University of Arts and Sciences, Debrecen), mathematical economics and sociology (Corvinus University of Budapest) and health economics (University of York).

He received PhD degrees from the Medical University of Amsterdam, Corvinus University of Budapest, Semmelweis Medical University in Budapest and from the Debrecen Medical University. He is qualified in social medicine.

Habilitated and he is a Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Science.

He is a member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Health Economics (EJHE) IF:3,689, the Value in Health Regional Issues (ViHRI) Editorial Advisory Board, the Editorial Board of the Hungarian Medical Journal IF: 0,540, and the Society and Economy, Health Academy, University of Pécs.

He worked as vice rector for research Corvinus University of Budapest 2018-2019. He was a founding head of Department of Health Economics (2013-2020) and founding head of Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment Research Center, Corvinus University of Budapest. He is the founding past President of the Health and Health Care Economics Section of the Hungarian Economics Association (2010-2015).

To date he (co)authored 348 scientific articles in peer reviewed journals, published 16 books, 78 book chapters on health economics, public health, health technology assessment, health policy and quality improvement.

IF: 389,619 MTMT1 Citations 4344, Hirsh index 34. GoogleScholar: Citations: 6024. Hirsch index 44. (https://scholar.google.nl/citations?hl=en&user=ek0KaHUAAAAJ)

In the past 5 years (2017-2021) publications: Q1: 43 (D1:28), Q2: 11.