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Prof. Dr. Márta Péntek

Prof. Márta Péntek graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Semmelweis University in 1989, and then qualified in rheumatology and physiotherapy in 1997. She obtained her PhD degree from the Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine of Semmelweis University in 2008 and successfully defended her theses for the title of Doctor of Science (DSc) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2022.

She has been working as a rheumatologist at the Rheumatology Department of the Flór Ferenc Hospital since 1989. Between 2009 and 2020, she worked as an adjunct professor, associate professor and from 2015 onwards as a full professor at the Department of Health Economics (and its predecessors) of the Corvinus University of Budapest. Since 2020, she has been working as a full professor the Health Economics Research Centre at Óbuda University. She is a PhD supervisor at the Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics and lecturer at Innovation Management Doctoral School at Óbuda University. As an invited lecturer, she has been teaching at the doctoral schools of several universities abroad. So far, she has been the topic supervisor and co-supervisor of 8 successfully defended PhD students and is currently the topic supervisor of 3 PhD students (https://doktori.hu/index.php?menuid=192&sz_ID=8437&lang=EN).

Her main research interests are the measurement and evaluation of health-related quality of life, preferences of patiens and the general public, methodological issues of measuring disease burden on the individual and societal level, with strong focus on their application in clinical, financial and health policy decision making.

She has successfully applied for and been the national leader/coordinator/senior researcher of EU Horizon international research programmes (EuroQol https://euroqol.org/); BurQol-RD (http://www.burqol-rd.com/); HealthPros (https://www.healthpros-h2020.eu/) and currently she is leading the Bur-EB project (https://www.bur-eb.com/) and the European Network on Optimising Treatment with Therapeutic Antibodies in chronic inflammatory diseases – Cost Action OC-2021-1-25445 (https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA21147/) in Hungary. She is the leader of the ’Development and evaluation of innovative and digital health technologies – Evaluation of digital medical devices: efficacy, safety and social utility’ research project in Hungary. Professor Péntek is a member of the EuroQol Group (https://euroqol.org/). She is the Chair of the Section of Health and Health Economics of the Hungarian Economic Society since 2014.

Prof. Péntek has published 182 scientific articles, 8 books and 20 book chapters. Her impact factor is 435.5, has 2684 citations (1807 independent citations), Hirsch index of 31.  She was guest editor of the 2019 supplement of The European Journal of Health Economics (https://link.springer.com/journal/10198/volumes-and-issues/20-1/supplement). Her publications in the field of budget impact analysis, cost-effectiveness and measurement of health gains has achieved remarkable citations worldwide.